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Durable, BPA-free plastic feeding and watering troughs made for African conditions.

Browse our range of UV-resistant, BPA-free polyethylene plastic watering and feeding troughs and other products perfect for feeding your cattle, sheep and other farm animals.

And take a look at our new range of food grade UV-resistant, polyethylene plastic water tanks, perfect for commercial or residential use; available in a range of sizes and colours.

To get a price, simply view a product, click the “Add to Quote” button and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Or give us a call.

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Water Tanks

Plastiflo makes a range of UV-resistant, BPA-free polyethylene plastic water tanks great for domestic or commercial use. Click below, choose a colour and size and request a quote.

Plastiflo maak ‘n reeks UV-bestande, BFA-vrye poliëtileen plastiek water tenks perfek vir huishoudelike of kommersiële gebruik. Klik onder, kies ‘n kleur en grootte en vra ‘n kwotasie aan.

water tanks front page

Water Troughs

You can water your cattle or your sheep with our UV-resistant, BPA-free polyethylene plastic water troughs. Available up to 2800l capacity.

Plastiflo se waterkrippe word van UV-bestande, BFA-vrye poliëtileen plastiek gemaak en kan gebruik word om jou beeste of skape te water. Beskikbaar tot op 2800l kapasiteit.

Cattle Products

Plastiflo’s UV-resistant, BPA-free polyethylene plastic cattle products include feeding troughs, ring feeders, bale feeders, lick feeders, molasses feeders, foot baths and feeding trailers.

Plastiflo se UV-bestande, BFA-vrye poliëtileen plastiek bees produkte sluit in voerkrippe, baalringe, baalvoerders, lekblok bakke, molasse voerders, voetbaddens en voerwaens.

Calf Products

Plastiflo makes a range of UV-resistant, BPA-free polyethylene plastic calf products, including calf teats, calf feeders, milk buckets, milk bars, feeding troughs and self feeders.

Plastiflo bied 'n reeks UV-bestande, BFA-vrye poliëtileen plastiek kalf produkte, kalfspene, kalfkroeë, melkemmers, voerbakke en selfvoerders.

Sheep Products

Plastiflo's UV-resistant, BPA-free polyethylene plastic sheep products include feeding troughs, lamb teats, self feeders, feeding gutters and foot baths.

Plastiflo se UV-bestande, BFA-vrye poliëtileen plastiek skaap produkte sluit in voerkrippe, lamtiete, selfvoerders, voergeute en voetbaddens.

Splash Pools

Take the edge off those hot summer days with our tough portable splash pool! The kids will love you for it!

Maak seker jou kinders geniet daai snikhete somerdae deur af te koel in een van ons verskuifbare splash pools!
